Wednesday, 1 June 2011

The First Day of Winter

This morning we all woke up in a cold mood because it was the first day of winter! When we went outside it was freezing cold and there was frost on the grass and the cars. Some of us had to pour warm water on our windscreens before we came to school. 

When we got to school we played with the frost on the north oval, it was icy and it gave us goosebumps. And when we got into the classroom there was a letter on the whiteboard. It was from Wally, the Winter Woolly Fairy! He had put little woolly jumpers on all the containers in our classroom, to keep them warm all winter. 

We wrote a brainstorm about winter and we drew lovely pictures of Wally in our Writer's Notebooks. After recess we made snowflakes out of paper to decorate our classroom window. 

As Wally wrote,

"Wishing you a wonderful, warm, woolly winter!"