Today and last Thursday we did end of year cooking rotations. Two groups of us made ice-cream but... Lauren forgot her icecream maker! So instead we used plastic bags!
We needed ice, vanilla essence, cream, two sizes of ziploc bags, sugar and... salt! First we filled a bag with ice and we added salt. In the little bag we mixed cream, sugar and vanilla essence. (We didn't worry too much about measuring and it worked out fine). We put the little bag inside the big bag and we checked that they were sealed properly. Then we shook, shook, shook!
We shook like crazy. Tai
We shook like a bulldog. Isaac
We shook like we had fevers! Evie
We shook like mad. Edward
We shook like an angry rhinoceros. Maisie
We shook like a mad reindeer. Connor
We shook like a happy monkey. Teagan
We shook like a shaker-mobile. William
We shook like a dog that's been for a swim. Michaela
We shook like a car that's broken down. Dion
We shook like an angry lion. Ilya
We shook like a monkey in a cage. Sean
We shook like a scared elf. Natalie
We shook like we were really angry. Alexander
We shook like a fish flip flopping out of water. Selvi
But we were very careful not to shake too hard or our bags would get holes. That would have ruined everything.
The first group made some predictions before we started:
We might forget an ingredient. Alex
The cream will freeze with the ice and salt.
The cream might freeze with the salt but it might not.
The cream without the salt will get warmer. Ollie
The cream with the ice and no salt will stay the same. Phoebe
The cream without the salt will get colder. Jon
When we finished shaking we got busy eating! We had a lot of fun. It was so easy we're all going to try it at home. Here is what the first group had to say:
It tasted the best. Clarrie
Yumtastic! Josh
I never knew that icecrem was much much better made than bought. Albert
I think that when you have a first go you don't know what's going to happen. Lots of people got holes in their bags. Alex
The second group said:
The ice-cream tasted a bit more like cream but it was still yum. Oliver
The ice-cream tasted a bit weird but I liked it anyway. The sugar was at the bottom and the cream was at the top. Phoebe
I think we should have done one without salt. We forgot. Felix
When you mixed the stuff, if you tasted the water, it was really salty. Riley
It looked like melted pancakes. Jordie
This week we remembered to test one without salt. We discovered all the ice melted and the cream didn't freeze. You need salt. Tai and Olivia.
After all of the shaking it tasted like frozen cream. Edward
It tasted like ice and cream, that's probably why they call it icecream. Michaela
It looked like a big blob when it was frozen. William
It was fun because after it you tasted salt on your fingers. Maisie
It was really scrumtious. It was better than normal icecream because it was more creative. Dion
It was good! Louise
We didn't take any photos of the ice-cream. It was eaten too quickly - sorry!
After the icecream we watched a video. It was from David Attenborough's Frozen Plant. There were sea animals and they were frozen by a brinicle (a brine - icicle). It was made out of salty sea water. The melting salty water from the icebergs sank rapidly and it created an icicle. It looked like a giant ice finger. We want to know... does it ever melt?
You can check out the brinicle video here:
And if you want more detail on making ice-cream in a bag. There are lots of videos on youtube, including this one:
Have fun trying it at home!