Yesterday we learnt about addition, which is part of maths, you add numbers together with a plus sign (+) and the numbers get bigger. That's why they call it adding UP! Today we learnt all about subtraction (-) or take away (not the kind you eat). When you take away numbers they get smaller.
We played race to zero. To play race to zero you need two counters, one for each player (we used buttons) one six-sided die and a number line that goes from zero to twenty. Both players start with their counters on twenty, the first player rolls the die and they work out in their head, what nnumber they will get if they take that number away from twenty. Then they bounce their counter back to that number. The next player has their go and does the same. The winner is the first person to zero. When you get close to zero you need to roll the exact number to go back to zero. If you're on one, you must roll a one to win.
My strategy I used to work out the number I got was counting in my head in twos, if it was even. Lola
I liked how Allister was a good sport, even though he beat me two times. Charlotte
I liked having a guess and predicing what it would land on. I got it right! Tahlia
I liked playing it, I played with Rhiannon and I won. You got mixed up counting back but then I got it right. Lizzie
I enjoyed the game and I won three times! Dean
I liked race to zero, I liked winning too. Allister
It was very fun. I won two times. Clarrie
I played with Vasco and we both won it. Leila
I leant you can use rainbow numbers for taking away from twenty. Jamil
I counted a little bit and I guess what I would land on. I was right most of the time. Hamza
I tried to think what their counter is going to land on. Jordie
I enjoyed the game alot, it helped me to subtract! Tegan