Saturday, 29 September 2012

Broccoli Pasta Primavera, a la Rocco

Today we had a big Italian lesson.We learnt how to cook Broccoli Pasta Primavera. Broccoli is an Italian word and Primavera means spring in Italian. It's a very simple recipe, it's from an Italian man called Rocco. Lots of us thought we wouldn't like it but we were brave and tried it and... we LOVED it!!

The ingredients were: 
pasta (we used spaghetti), 
pepper and 
olive oil. 

That's all! We added a secret ingredient... broccoli flowers from the school garden. We sprinkled them on top at the end with the parmesan and we used up all the parmesan and the flowers. It was so delicious!! We've put up the recipe in case you want to try it yourself.

Boil some water with a pinch of salt, put the chopped broccoli in, wait till they're half to way to tender (~5min), then pour the pasta straight into the same boiling water.

Keep boiling pasta and broccoli till pasta is ready (and broccoli hopefully are just soft without having fallen apart).

Then get the water out (strain it) and add olive oil, parmesan and pepper.

 Bolli l'acqua per la pasta in una pentola. Taglia i broccoli a dadetti, mettili nell'acqua e lascia bolllire finche i broccoli incominciano a bollire.

Butta la pasta (preferibilmente orecchiette) nell'acqua bollente co0n i broccoli e lascia bollire finche la pasta ne' al dente e i broccoli appena teneri.

Scola aggiungi olio d'oliva generosamente, parmigiano e pepe.

We had a lovely last day. It's been a busy but really successful term and we've certainly earned our holidays. We spent a couple of minutes reflecting on the things we really enjoyed this term:

I enjoyed the taste of the broccoli pasta, it was very nice. Broccoli mixed with pasta equals yum! Romy

I enjoyed getting my prize from the prize box. Evie

I liked getting something from the prize box today and I also liked the pepper and the pasta together. 

I also liked the presentations. Lizzie

I learnt how to make broccoli pasta and I was in the tidy up group. Lola

I enjoyed assembly. I enjoyed the music and the dancing. Dean

I enjoyed tasting the broccoli pasta. I also enjoyed getting prizes and watching the people dance. Selvi

I thought the toppings made the broccoli pasta great. The toppings were broccoli flowers and parmesan. I thought it is sad the Gabi is moving from 1/2 to 3/4, we’ll miss her. Aimee

On Roald Dahl day I liked singing the Oompa Loompa song with Betty. Goldie

I thought that I wouldn’t like the broccoli pasta because I don’t like broccoli but when I tried it I couldn’t get enough. Lewis

I liked assembly because of the dancing and music. Allister

I liked assembly because my sister was in the dance show. Lola

I liked watching Baby’s Day Out during wet day timetable. Clarrie

I learnt how to make broccoli pasta and it was delicious. Audrey

I enjoyed Roald Dahl day, watching Fantastic Mr Fox. Dan

I enjoyed having the pasta. I helped test when the pasta was ready. When it’s ready it’s al dente. Jordie

I enjoyed cutting up the broccoli. Leila

I enjoyed seeing the blackbirds in our new room. Aidan

Have a lovely holiday!!