Friday, 29 July 2011

Chocolate Fractions and other Adventures

 This week we learnt about fractions. Fractions are equal parts of a whole (or a group). Our first lesson was about chocolate fractions. There were four chocolate bars on four chairs. Lauren asked us one at a time to choose which chair to line up behind. You had to share the chocolate on your chair with the other people in your line. The chair to pick was the one with the least people behind it because that way you got more chocolate.

Lauren also made playdough and we used it to make our own (pretend) chocolate bars. We divided them into halves, quarters, thirds and all sorts of other fractions. In the next lesson, our student teacher, Mel read us "The Doorbell Rang" by Pat Hutchins. We learnt that you could also divide a group of things into fractions. In the book, the doorbell rang. There were biscuits and the kids in the story had to divide them into equal shares with their visitors. After that we made chocolate biscuits/cookies with playdough and divided them up.



I learnt that a fraction is an equal bit of something. Felix

I learnt that you can divide something in lots of different ways. Ilya

We learnt that two quarters are the same as a half. Max and Max

I learnt that when you use circles to make a fraction it's hard to make it all equal. Romy

I learnt that six sixths makes a whole. Gareth

I learnt that if you have 22 biscuits and you try to put them into four equal groups, you can't do it without cutting up some biscuits. Nina

I learnt that if you have twelve biscuits, you can divide them into three equal groups and two equal groups. Ella

We made wagon wheels out of playdough but  they were tricky to divide. Lulu

I learnt that if I divide something into six parts they're called sixths. Clarrie