Sunday, 31 July 2011

National Tree Day!!

Yesterday was National Tree Day here in Australia. We went out to the North Oval with the 3/4 classes and the other 1/2 grades and we planted heaps of little indigenous plants! They were tiny and super cute but they will all grow up to be an amazing native garden. They will be habitat for insects and birds and it will help our school look beautiful.

To make it even more exciting, we were on the television. Our school was chosen to be on a TV show called The Circle. A woman called Ellisha came and interviewed some of the 3/4 students. The rest of us were in the background. We had a sign that said "Bell Primary Loves Trees". We got to wave at the TV camera, it was fun.

You can see the clip in the family and community section of The Circle website.
Here is a link:

Today we planted trees because it was Tree Day and in the first lesson we planted them and in the second lesson we spread mulch and one of the grasses was feathery spear grass. Lucy

Today is Tree Day! We planted trees, grasses, ground covers, shrubs, small plants. We planted feathery spear grass, silky blue grass and kangaroo grass. Mia
I did an amazing job of spreading mulch and pulling out weeds! Max R

I was very nervous and I didn't know if I wanted to go on telly. Romy

1/2B were on TV all over Australia! Daniel

I pulled the weeds out of the garden. And I spread mulch. Max H

Today (Friday) it was Tree Day. We planted bushes and trees. I found a tree that I love. It gives me luck and wishes. I called it "Little One." I love it, yes I do!! Sunita

On Friday we planted trees because it was Tree Day. Me and my friends put the mulch on the plants. The people from a TV show called The Circle came and filmed us. Lucinda

I planted with Felix, I felt brave. Josh

Today it was National Tree Day, we got to go on TV. Ilya

Tree Day was fun because we got to be on television! We got to spread the mulch. We planted trees, grasses and shrubs. Isabel 

Today we were on TV. We were not in the front of the camera but I enjoyed myself. Felix

Tree day was very fun! Teagan

I did not like being on telly much. Clarrie

Today we did tree day on cameras. Aidan

Tree day was fun and exciting because we got to be on TV!! Nina

Me, Evie and my friend Olivia planted a native indigo. Their flowers are purplish pink and very pretty. We were on telly and it was cool. Evie