Sunday, 6 November 2011

What we've learned....

This week has been exciting and fantastic! We had Halloween on Monday and on Tuesday we had a day off school for Cup Day! Today Marianna's mum came in and we worked in pairs or threes and we made string out of plastic bags. This week in maths we made our names out of grid paper and we had our last of 4 activity maths sessions. We even managed to squeeze in a bit of gardening!

Here are some of the things we really enjoyed about this week:

I really liked the jewellery that Mariana's mum made out of plastic. Gareth

I really enjoyed when Jared's face got covered with icing sugar! Lulu 

I really liked when we planted the leftover sunflower seeds in the wheelbarrow. Sunita

I loved the 1/2 activity maths. I was in Jared's class and we weighed different things. Nina

 It turns out that vertical maths isn't as easy as it sounds. Ilya

When Marianna's mum came we were learning about making plastic string. My favourite part was spinning the string around with the stick at the bottom so it would all come together. Olivia

I liked working in Betty's grade because there were puzzles. I played against Jaden in connect four. Jaden won. Ella

I liked having my lunch order today. I had a sausage roll and a chocolate milk. Max H.

I liked the way lots of people helped me sort the juice boxes at lunch so that we could put them into the recycling bin and not the rubbish bin. Lauren (teacher)

I enjoyed lying in my bed on Monday, having a carrot and watching a bit of telly while I was sick. Felix

I enjoyed  the dressing up day on Monday. Teagan

I enjoyed playing soccer today and winning two/one. Sam

I liked dressing up on Halloween, I dressed up as a witch. Mia

I picked up rubbish in the shelter shed today. Aidan

While I was away I went to Byron Bay and I went to the beach everyday. Josh (the poet)

I enjoyed making the string out of plastic bags. Isaac

On the holidays I went to Wilsons Prom and we took photos of all the rubbish we found. Clarrie

I liked playing Star Wars at lunchtime with Olivia, Riley, Marianna, Edward and Kayla. Romy

I enjoyed the beautiful sunshine outside today. Sharon (Education Support)

I enjoyed playing with my friends Grace and Alex and we worked out our problems together. Evie

I liked staying home on Monday and eating a packet of chewies. Max R.