Thursday, 22 March 2012

The day the library came to us!

Today the Preston Library came to visit us here at Bell Primary School. The librarians, Coralie, Louise and Leo travelled to our school to tell us about The Olden Days. We learnt about bushrangers and we played a quiz where we guessed whether the pictures were of bushrangers or someone's uncle. We also learnt that little kids in the olden days caught leeches and sold them to the doctor. We discovered that in the Olden Days the kids made fun by themselves because they didn't have electronic games or fancy toys. They played marbles, went sledding in the mud, they made billy carts and played with spinning tops. Not everyone travelled by car back then.... if you were rich you had a car but it wasn't allowed to go faster than a man walking.
Bushranger or Uncle?

There was one more person who visited us today...... except it wasn't a person, it was Drakis the Library Dragon!!!! He was gigantic and green and he had a big, fat tail and a big fat belly. He was shiny but he didn't have scales. He had big green wings, friendly yellow eyes and big white teeth. He likes to dance, he showed us an old game called quoits. 1/2LK were such good listeners that four of us were chosen to play quoits with Drakis - Mariana, Alisha, Emile and Dean. He hugged Alisha and Mariana. He was very cheeky and he bumped Emile with his tail when Emile was playing quoits.

We loved having the library come to visit and we learnt heaps and heaps. On behalf of 1/2LK we would like to thank them for coming to visit. We love books and next time it's our turn to visit them at the Preston Library.

We would like to say more but now we have to go. See you on our next blog post!

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Ireland's special day in 1/2LK

Today we are 1/2LK because Moya's away so 1/2L have been visiting for the day. We are all wearing GREEN today for St Patrick's Day! We're helping the Irish celebrate their special national day and we've learnt lots of stuff about Ireland. We watched a slide show and we learnt to sing Molly Malone which is a spooky Irish song about a ghost. We heard an Irish story about a big potato and we practiced our Irish accents. Before lunch we watched some Irish dancing, it was wonderful!

We've also had a special science lesson for St Patrick's day (we love science!). We learnt about dissolving using cold water jelly and normal jelly. We made green jelly with snakes in it because the story of St Patrick talks about him leading the snakes out of Ireland and into the water. We feel sad for the snakes but happy to be eating jelly!!

Here are some of the things we did and discovered today:

I learnt that Ireland is part of Great Britain. Sarah

I'm looking forward to computers later in the day. Sean

I enjoyed making jelly. We made cold water jelly with no gelatin. Jamil

I enjoyed stirring the Aeroplane jelly in the bowl and watching it go all blobby. Riley

I enjoyed being very green! Romy

I discovered that gelatin is made of cows' hooves! Aimee

I enjoyed playing leprechauns and leprechaun pets outside at playtime. Audrey

I enjoyed playing with Audrey and drawing the crazy science lab on the back of my sheet. Evie

Playing in the playground with Lizzie and our prep sisters was fun. Leila

I wonder how St. Patrick became so famous. Emile

During St Patrick's day we coloured in special patterns, they look VERY nice! Vasco and Elliot

We got to put lolly snakes in the jelly we made. Lola

The jelly crystals dissolved in water. Clarrie


My favourite thing was colouring the special colouring pattern in Jared's room. Chloe

I learnt that Ireland is very green. Selvie

I learnt that St Patrick's day is celebrated all over the world. Sean

I liked colouring people with our prep buddies and eating the jelly. Lewis

I enjoyed learning about St Patrick's day. Dean

Happy St Patrick's Day from all of us in 1/2L and K!!!

Friday, 9 March 2012

The magical mystery milk ....

No it's not a song by The Beatles. 1/2K did a fabulous science experiment this week and then we turned it into a poem. We hope you like it!

Mysterious, Marvellous, Magical Milk
By 1/2K

On each table was a little bowl of milk,
As if Mr Cat was having a birthday party.
While we watched and waited, Lauren drip -dropped in the food dye to make colourful smodges.
(“Mr Cat will be excited,” we thought!)

Then we took our detergent-y toothpick and we speared it into the milky white pond.
We didn’t stir it but something marvellous happened….

A whirlpool appeared,
Fireworks, swirls, an 18 pointed star.
A green porcupine in a rainbow rainpool.
A colourful pizza at the end of the rainbow.
Then it was a beautiful, spiral lollypop.
There was a peacock’s feather shining with pink and orange and green.
Or maybe it was a haunted twisted tree.
A sea-horse, a dragon, a leafy sea dragon!
It was like a magical potion in a fortune teller’s bowl.

We dipped again…

Yellow appeared slowly from the depths of the milk,
It swirled around as if a witch was stirring her cauldron.
We saw a multi-coloured bird that disappeared into a greyish, blue-ish fog.

In one afternoon, our bowls of milk had become bright explosions of mysterious colours.
It was a science lesson but it was also magic.
Next time we have to follow that bird….

Saturday, 3 March 2012

All about our Yabbie

Crackly shells and snippy snippers are yabbies. 
They eat veggies, which is good. 
(Glad it's not chocolate pud!) 


This is our class yabbie! Its name is Yabstar.

We voted for its name. We don't know if it's a boy or a girl. It lives in a fish tank (actually a yabbie tank). It has lost one of its claws and some of its legs in a yabbie fight. But it's safe now. Next time it breaks out of its shell and sheds it will grow the lost bits back! Yabbies like to escape and they like to eat cucumber and carrot. Yabster's favourite hiding place is in a broken teacup. Welcome to 1/2K, Yabstar!

I like Yabstar because it's missing a caw and a leg. I feel sorry for it. Alisha

He is blue and he lives in water. His name is Yabstar. He has a home and that home is a cup. I like him. Allister

We have a pet yabbie and it lives in a fish tank. The yabbie actually lives in a cup. Jordie

Our yabbie has a little blue silver body, even its claws and its legs and its home is a broken cup and it has antennas. Leila

I like yabbies, yabbies are fun. We have a yabbie. Goldie

It is small. Dean

Yabstar likes to eat carrots and he likes to have fun. He will be our class pet for the year. He likes to explore his place lots. He lives in a fish tank. Lewis

I like the Yabbie's name, Yabstar. Yabstar is cute. Selvie

Yabstar is our yabbie. Lauren found her. Audrey

Yabbies are a blacky sort of colour. Our yabbie's name is Yabstar. It eats vegetables. It has blue claws. Milly

Yabstar lived in a teacup. She felt another yabbie. As she was identifying it there were voices. The children were back. Although Yabstar was shy she saw what they were doing. The class were writing words about yabbies. Blue, Claws, Tank. A child came and looked. Evie

Our class pet is a yabbie. He is grey and he has a missing leg and claws. Charlotte

Our class pet is a yabbie. Its name is Yabstar. Mitchell

The yabbie looks cute. Aidan

We have a yabbie. The yabbie is cool. The yabbie has lost a claw. Romy

We have a yabbie. Its name is Yabstar. We look after it. I like the yabbie. We got it Friday the 2nd of March 2012. Instead of saying it was cool, it was awesome. Jamil

We have a pet yabbie called Yabstar. He's cute. He's lost a claw and he has antenna. He has a shell and lives in water. He mostly eats vegetables and yabbies fight with other yabbies. It is a baby. Lola

Our yabbie has blue claws and it is grey. Lizzy

Our yabbie is called Yabstar. The yabbie has lost a nipper. The yabbie has lost a few legs. Clarrie

We have a pet yabbie. He is grey. His name is Yabstar. It lives in a cup. I love it. Aimee