Thursday, 22 March 2012

The day the library came to us!

Today the Preston Library came to visit us here at Bell Primary School. The librarians, Coralie, Louise and Leo travelled to our school to tell us about The Olden Days. We learnt about bushrangers and we played a quiz where we guessed whether the pictures were of bushrangers or someone's uncle. We also learnt that little kids in the olden days caught leeches and sold them to the doctor. We discovered that in the Olden Days the kids made fun by themselves because they didn't have electronic games or fancy toys. They played marbles, went sledding in the mud, they made billy carts and played with spinning tops. Not everyone travelled by car back then.... if you were rich you had a car but it wasn't allowed to go faster than a man walking.
Bushranger or Uncle?

There was one more person who visited us today...... except it wasn't a person, it was Drakis the Library Dragon!!!! He was gigantic and green and he had a big, fat tail and a big fat belly. He was shiny but he didn't have scales. He had big green wings, friendly yellow eyes and big white teeth. He likes to dance, he showed us an old game called quoits. 1/2LK were such good listeners that four of us were chosen to play quoits with Drakis - Mariana, Alisha, Emile and Dean. He hugged Alisha and Mariana. He was very cheeky and he bumped Emile with his tail when Emile was playing quoits.

We loved having the library come to visit and we learnt heaps and heaps. On behalf of 1/2LK we would like to thank them for coming to visit. We love books and next time it's our turn to visit them at the Preston Library.

We would like to say more but now we have to go. See you on our next blog post!