Friday, 9 March 2012

The magical mystery milk ....

No it's not a song by The Beatles. 1/2K did a fabulous science experiment this week and then we turned it into a poem. We hope you like it!

Mysterious, Marvellous, Magical Milk
By 1/2K

On each table was a little bowl of milk,
As if Mr Cat was having a birthday party.
While we watched and waited, Lauren drip -dropped in the food dye to make colourful smodges.
(“Mr Cat will be excited,” we thought!)

Then we took our detergent-y toothpick and we speared it into the milky white pond.
We didn’t stir it but something marvellous happened….

A whirlpool appeared,
Fireworks, swirls, an 18 pointed star.
A green porcupine in a rainbow rainpool.
A colourful pizza at the end of the rainbow.
Then it was a beautiful, spiral lollypop.
There was a peacock’s feather shining with pink and orange and green.
Or maybe it was a haunted twisted tree.
A sea-horse, a dragon, a leafy sea dragon!
It was like a magical potion in a fortune teller’s bowl.

We dipped again…

Yellow appeared slowly from the depths of the milk,
It swirled around as if a witch was stirring her cauldron.
We saw a multi-coloured bird that disappeared into a greyish, blue-ish fog.

In one afternoon, our bowls of milk had become bright explosions of mysterious colours.
It was a science lesson but it was also magic.
Next time we have to follow that bird….