Monday, 31 October 2011

All about AREA!!!

This week, we looked at AREA in maths. Area is a type of measurement. You can measure the top of a lunchbox* or a tabletop*. You can measure the area of the smartboard* (interactive whiteboard*) and the area of the floor.

We used informal units (the in means not, so informal means not proper) of measurement to measure the area of things around the room. Some of our informal measurements were...A4 sheets of paper, A3 paper, newspaper*, hands and feet.

We measured out beach towels (for our toys and pets) using informal measurements. They were all different, they had different areas. We painted our towels with lovely designs using watercolour* paints.

Today we had a measurement challenge. We had to make bookmarks* that had an area of 48 square centimetres (formal unit of measurement). Then we had to colour them in following the instructions on the board.

*compound words

What we’ve learnt:

We learned that you can use square counters as a model to work out how many squares across and down. Max H

I learnt that it’s good to use different measurements for different things. Mia

I learnt that you can measure with things other than rulers. Sunita

We learnt that you measure area in square centimeters, square meters, square kilometers and square millimeters. Ilya and Sam

I learnt making a bookmark* is fun and using square centimeters for measuring is easier than you think. Josh

I made a bone shaped bookmark. It looked a bit strange but it was 48 cm2! Max R

I learned that cm2 means square centimeters. Nina