Monday, 29 August 2011

The Awesome Dancing Robot

 Last week, I brought in my robot to school. It's no ordinary robot, it's a dancing robot!! I got it from a market in Bendigo. It's black and white and it has a secret "on" switch. My sisters don't know how to switch it on but I do. When I press the button he wakes up. I use a remote control to make him walk backwards and forwards and sideways. I can make him open his claw and move his arm up and down. I can make him hold a pencil and draw full stops. I think it's funny when he says "Hey ya!" and I like it when he dances.

We took a video of him and it's pretty funny. I hope you enjoy it!


Sunday, 28 August 2011

Who am I?

This week was Children's Book Week. We had a book parade on Friday and we all dressed up as our favourite book characters. Can you guess who we are?

I am blue and white. I am brave. I help the republic. I fight with 2 guns. I fight bad droids. I am... Captain Rex.

I wear a brown, small, pointy hat. I am very small. I wear a magic necklace. I am kind, helpful, nice, friendly, I never give up, I keep promises. I have adventures. I am.... Silky the Fairy.

I have messy black and purple hair. I am wicked. I make spells. My enemy is water and my friend is Witchy. I am.... The Grand High Witch (from The Witches).

My cape is black. I have sharp teeth. I bite people. I'm from Twilight. I'm... Edward.

My second best friend is Tabby Cat. I sometimes sit on people. I have a cardican. I have brown fur. I am muddle headed. I am..... The Muddle Headed Wombat.

I have a hat with wings on top. I’m very bright and smart. I am brave and very cheerful. I punch up Roman’s and have adventures. My enemies are Romans (Julius Caesar the Roman geezer). My best friend is Oblix. I am... Astrix!

I am a boy. I am brave. I have a light sabre. I fight. I have boots.  I am... Anakin.

I always wear a light blue top and green pants. I’m soft hearted and fun. I play with giant bugs. My enemies are my aunts. I am... James (from James and the Giant  Peach).

I have a hat that has red and white stripes. I am very cheeky and smart. I build machines and annoy a grumpy fish. My enemy is the grumpy fish.  I am... The Cat in the Hat, obviously.

I wear a purple cloak. I am nice and grateful. I help around the park. My friends are Jasper and Opal. I am.... Pearlie.

I am very clever. I am golden brown and a little bit red. I have quite a big family. I'm sneaky. I'm a good digger. I have lots of friends. I am.... Fantastic Mr Fox!

I have blonde hair. I have a black cape. I have a majic wand. I have blue eyes. I have a friend called Silky. I am.... Luna Lovegood.

I have a stripy t-shirt. I have some glasses. I have a fluffy hat. I am... Where's Wally.

I have wavy hair. I wear a school uniform. I am nice. I do spells. I am... Hermione.

My armour is red, blue, white and brown and grey. I am a good guy. My enemy is Megatron. I'm a .....Transformer!

I am wearing a long long, blue dress. I have a choker. I have a blue bow. I have a tiara. I have some earrings. I have a book about me. I am.... Cinderella.

I have black hair and I have a scar. My enemy lost his power. I  like Ron and Hermione. Now can you guess and do you want to know? I am.... Harry Potter!

I have two piggy tails. I have shorts just about to my knees. I have a red flowery top and grey summer sandals. I am friendly. My friend is Jack. I am....Billie B. Brown.

I wear a red cape and carry a basket. I am pretty scared of the big bad wolf. I am on my way to my grandmother. Who am I? I am.... Little Red Riding Hood.

I have a curly hat. I am smart. I am brave. I have boots. Yep, you guessed it, I'm Tashi!

I wear a purple cape and a black pointy hat and a black dress. I am evil. I make poisons. My friend is the Grand High Witch. I am....Witchy!

I have pointy ears. I have a tail and a big red bow tie. I like to boast. I like to say "My favourite fruit is fish. My friend is the Muddle Headed Wombat. I am... Tabby Cat!

Saturday, 27 August 2011

Book Week!!

This week was Children's Book Week and here in 1/2B we did even more book related activities than usual. We read lots of the nominated books and talked about them and we were lucky enough to have Sonya Hartnett send in the actual medallion she won for her book The Midnight Zoo.

It was a week of stories but one of our favourites was Maudie and Bear by Freya Blackwood and Jan Omerod. It's a picture chapter book about a funny little girl called Maudie and her best friend, Bear. It ended up winning the Prize for the Early Childhood Book of the Year. We made posters, turned some of the stories into plays and we did a big brainstorm about the characters of Maudie and Bear. Then we drew a picture of them that used the colours in the book (green, brown, white and red). We made it into a big class display outside the classroom door with a green and white spotty frame made from newspaper. It looks fab!!

Sunday, 21 August 2011

The AWEsome "OR" Words BrainstORm

The other day, we here in 1/2B discovered something amazing about the way words work...
It all started when Isaac was brave with his writing and he had a go at stretching out the word "floor."

He knew it started with fl and ended with an r but he wasn't sure what letters he should use to make the "or" sound in the middle. We talked about it as a class and discovered that the "or" sound in the middle of floor was a double o. Not an "oo" like in book but an "oor" like in poor

But of course that's not the only combination of letters that make the "or" sound. There's "ore" like in core and "aur" like in dinosaur, and of course, "awe" like in awesome. In the end we discovered no less than NINE different ways to make the sound "or."

Can you think of any more....?