Sunday, 28 August 2011

Who am I?

This week was Children's Book Week. We had a book parade on Friday and we all dressed up as our favourite book characters. Can you guess who we are?

I am blue and white. I am brave. I help the republic. I fight with 2 guns. I fight bad droids. I am... Captain Rex.

I wear a brown, small, pointy hat. I am very small. I wear a magic necklace. I am kind, helpful, nice, friendly, I never give up, I keep promises. I have adventures. I am.... Silky the Fairy.

I have messy black and purple hair. I am wicked. I make spells. My enemy is water and my friend is Witchy. I am.... The Grand High Witch (from The Witches).

My cape is black. I have sharp teeth. I bite people. I'm from Twilight. I'm... Edward.

My second best friend is Tabby Cat. I sometimes sit on people. I have a cardican. I have brown fur. I am muddle headed. I am..... The Muddle Headed Wombat.

I have a hat with wings on top. I’m very bright and smart. I am brave and very cheerful. I punch up Roman’s and have adventures. My enemies are Romans (Julius Caesar the Roman geezer). My best friend is Oblix. I am... Astrix!

I am a boy. I am brave. I have a light sabre. I fight. I have boots.  I am... Anakin.

I always wear a light blue top and green pants. I’m soft hearted and fun. I play with giant bugs. My enemies are my aunts. I am... James (from James and the Giant  Peach).

I have a hat that has red and white stripes. I am very cheeky and smart. I build machines and annoy a grumpy fish. My enemy is the grumpy fish.  I am... The Cat in the Hat, obviously.

I wear a purple cloak. I am nice and grateful. I help around the park. My friends are Jasper and Opal. I am.... Pearlie.

I am very clever. I am golden brown and a little bit red. I have quite a big family. I'm sneaky. I'm a good digger. I have lots of friends. I am.... Fantastic Mr Fox!

I have blonde hair. I have a black cape. I have a majic wand. I have blue eyes. I have a friend called Silky. I am.... Luna Lovegood.

I have a stripy t-shirt. I have some glasses. I have a fluffy hat. I am... Where's Wally.

I have wavy hair. I wear a school uniform. I am nice. I do spells. I am... Hermione.

My armour is red, blue, white and brown and grey. I am a good guy. My enemy is Megatron. I'm a .....Transformer!

I am wearing a long long, blue dress. I have a choker. I have a blue bow. I have a tiara. I have some earrings. I have a book about me. I am.... Cinderella.

I have black hair and I have a scar. My enemy lost his power. I  like Ron and Hermione. Now can you guess and do you want to know? I am.... Harry Potter!

I have two piggy tails. I have shorts just about to my knees. I have a red flowery top and grey summer sandals. I am friendly. My friend is Jack. I am....Billie B. Brown.

I wear a red cape and carry a basket. I am pretty scared of the big bad wolf. I am on my way to my grandmother. Who am I? I am.... Little Red Riding Hood.

I have a curly hat. I am smart. I am brave. I have boots. Yep, you guessed it, I'm Tashi!

I wear a purple cape and a black pointy hat and a black dress. I am evil. I make poisons. My friend is the Grand High Witch. I am....Witchy!

I have pointy ears. I have a tail and a big red bow tie. I like to boast. I like to say "My favourite fruit is fish. My friend is the Muddle Headed Wombat. I am... Tabby Cat!