Saturday, 27 August 2011

Book Week!!

This week was Children's Book Week and here in 1/2B we did even more book related activities than usual. We read lots of the nominated books and talked about them and we were lucky enough to have Sonya Hartnett send in the actual medallion she won for her book The Midnight Zoo.

It was a week of stories but one of our favourites was Maudie and Bear by Freya Blackwood and Jan Omerod. It's a picture chapter book about a funny little girl called Maudie and her best friend, Bear. It ended up winning the Prize for the Early Childhood Book of the Year. We made posters, turned some of the stories into plays and we did a big brainstorm about the characters of Maudie and Bear. Then we drew a picture of them that used the colours in the book (green, brown, white and red). We made it into a big class display outside the classroom door with a green and white spotty frame made from newspaper. It looks fab!!